Tuesday, February 21, 2012


When you look back on an argument or a series of arguments, do you find joy in what your marriage has been through? Or, do you think about the negatives associated with tough times?

When I think about our first year of marriage, it was a wild ride. We planned a wedding (in 3 months for family health reasons), moved, got laid off, moved again to a different state, got new jobs, bought a house (includes moving again), and had a flooded basement. We had plenty of trials in our first year as a married couple.

But when I reflect on those times I am happy that we made it through. I am also happy because I feel like we can make it through whatever comes our way in the future.

One of the keys to getting through the tough times is knowing how to fight well. 

Another key to making it through difficult times is to use humor. As a former crisis counselor, I know that humor is under-utilized during heated moments. In some of the most difficult crises I used humor to mellow the situation. And what's interesting is everyone in the room laughed. You need something like humor to help bring the tension down a few notches. This isn't a free card to never have a serious conversation, it's just the ability to poke a little fun at a trying situation.

Being able to look back at a difficult few months in a marriage and see something (anything) positive is healthy.  I encourage you to examine your perspective on difficult moments in marriage.

I'm thankful on this Gratituesday that I can see the bigger picture of how our first year of marriage prepared us for life together.
Check out other Gratituesday posts at Heavenly Homemakers!

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